summer outfit

Weekend Wardrobe Goes Downtown

I have to tell you, this “Weekend Wardrobe Post”  is by far my favorite!  My boyfriend and I went downtown and I had so much fun taking pictures of all the old buildings, store fronts and the Intracoastal Waterway.  I noticed things I never did before just because I was […]



Weekend Wardrobe

It’s that time of the week again!  The time where I can get dressed up and go out for a night on the town and hopefully pop out a new outfit I haven’t tried before! I mean, isn’t that what we all love about the weekends?  Hanging out with your […]

Weekend Wardrobe

So, this past weekend my boyfriend and I ventured out for one of our “date nights.” You know that fun night where you and your partner do the simple things that you used to do when you first started dating; a.k.a dinner and a movie.  I will never tire of […]
