So, this past weekend my boyfriend and I ventured out for one of our “date nights.” You know that fun night where you and your partner do the simple things that you used to do when you first started dating; a.k.a dinner and a movie. I will never tire of this! Probably because of the fact I obviously like to eat, but also because I adore going to the movies! Something about their ability to bring you into another world and for a couple of hours you don’t have any worries and you are free to enjoy chocolatey treats, over buttered popcorn and a nice cold beverage. Simple and absolutely delightful. And besides the prospective joy of getting a belly full of good food and watching a flick on the silver screen, what also gets me excited is the chance to get dressed up! I don’t get that opportunity on a daily basis so when the chance comes, I jump at it! I don’t get crazy with it and get my nails and hair done or anything, but I do dig through my wardrobe endlessly to find the perfect casual, yet cute date night outfit. Keep in mind I live at the beach so I’m not going to be breaking out any Marc Jacobs accessories or stiletto shoes, but some vintage accessories and gladiator sandals fit the occasion just right! Let me know what you think!
I am in love with this outfit and I can’t wait to wear it again! It was a no mess, comfy ensemble which kept me thinking about the fun night and not about readjusting myself! The skirt is probably my favorite element (not to mention I have never worn it before, so I may be a little biast) and is from a cute little boutique called Francesca’s Collections. I was obsessed the minute I saw it! Totally reminded me of something Julia Roberts would have worn in “Pretty Woman” and I love the fact that it is high waisted (I got it a size bigger so it would droop a bit). Another selling point, besides being super soft, was that it came with a belt. How awesome is that? No having to shop around for a perfect belt to fit! A no brainer purchase. The soft cotton tank is from Free People, where I worked, and I swear I have it in three colors. I love the racer back effect and I wear them with everything! That bright orange halter thing you see under my shirt is actually a bra and is probably the single best apparel purchase in my life! From Free People, these halter bras are the solution to all wardrobe woes and even if they do show, who cares! They are so adorable and unbelievably comfortable! And who wants to wear a bra in the summer, not I!
If you read my other Weekend Wardrobe post, you would know that my jewels are like my children. I love them and cherish them, no matter what price point and if I ever lost them I would be utterly crushed. Dramatic I know, but to me it would be similar to a painter losing his paints. Heartbreaking. Most of my jewelry is vintage or handmade, so you see where in lies the dilemma I would encounter! So, what I am wearing? The silver ring with the blue dots is just something small my mom purchased me from Lucky Brand. I love it because of its wide face and intricate designs engraved in the silver. Both bracelets are vintage and perhaps my favorite in my small jewelry collection. The first, the large silver one with the turquoise stones, was a purchase that I made from an old hippie at a street fair raising money for Aids research. She was selling all of her jewelry and I wish I could have purchased more, but they were a bit out of my student money range and this was the only one that I could afford. That and she gave me a bit of a discount since I interviewed her for a piece I was doing in my journalism class. Hers was an amazing story of being a hippie during the 70s and if I can find it I will post it for you! The next bracelet is actually a hand me down from my mom and is an authentic handmade Native American bracelet that her dad gave her when she was a little girl. Having Indian roots I cherish this bracelet and knowing that it connects me to my mom I hold it close to my heart. Maybe I’ll be able to pass it on to my daughter one day. The last piece, the silver turquoise ring, was a gift from my step dad and has more sentimental value than anything. This is probably the one thing that he has bought me that has said to me that he looked at who I was as a person and purchased a gift with that in mind. Pretty cool, huh?
My boyfriend gets so upset with me when I take this vintage 70s bag with me on date night! The reason being that I can’t fit any snacks or drinks into it to sneak into the theater! My bad! Sorry I pick fashion over function! I mean, how cute is this vintage bag from Urban Outfitters? I love its worn look and the simple diamond pattern. And for only 10 bucks, how would you be able to say no? The scarf too is from Urban and the fact that I can wear it on a cool summer night is always a plus. Lightweight and adorned with a lovely plaid blue pattern this scarf is a perfect substitution to a long necklace and defiantly helped pull my entire outfit together. Who said because its summer you can’t wear a scarf!
Normally I am one to just throw on my old tattered hemp Rainbow sandals or some Havaianas and be on my way. But, in this special case, I threw those sandals aside and reverted to some more stylish ones. These brown gladiator sandals from Steve Madden were actually a purchase by my mom (Go Mom!) and matched perfectly with my ensemble! I have to admit that I was worried they would hurt my feet, but to my amazement I ended a late night with not an ache or sore! That is perhaps the best feeling a gal can have! New shoes that don’t have to be broken in and that don’t needed to be padded up with expensive soles! Jackpot!
My boyfriend showing off his inner fashionista! Got to love him!
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First of all, I love Francesca’s too! I’ve found a lot of great pieces there.
Also, your boyfriend dresses just like my husband. Plaid all the time.
omg soo AMAZING!! I know those halter bras all to well (thanks in large part to you! ) 😉 You know how obsessed I am with your jewelry and it keeps getting better! and btw..I want that bag! overall you outfits never fail to disappoint me!
I’m the same way about my jewelry, whether it’s handmade, vintage, or new, it’s all priceless to me no matter what it cost:)
WOW,stunning outfit!!!Love evry single piece, amazing jewellry too!You both guys look great!
love this look! all of your accessories are perfection.
we’re having a giveaway with vantage point vintage! only a few days left to enter, we’d love for you to take a look:
wow. wrong link! here it is:
Great skirt! Love that bag too!
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