

The “Jenny” Jacket

Sometimes to get a little inspiration for my weekly posts I “window shop” my favorite online vintage stores.  Usually after looking through a couple of them I begin to form loose ideas about what I want to write about.  And last week when I reverted to this in order to […]

Studs and Lace with a Side of Rock and Roll…

I’m finding it unbearably hard not to purchase every item in the outfit I have created for you dear readers.  It’s actually hard for me to look at it because I so desperately want to sport it!  It’s like one of those times when you buy your favorite fashion magazine […]



Mary Janes: Not Your Childhood Shoe

When you were a little girl if your mom was anything like mine, she tended to dress you in Mary Janes because she obsessed over how adorable you looked in them.   You on the other hand (if you were a tomboy like me) passionately disagreed.  They were uncomfortable, shiny and […]

Because Even Your Phone Should Have Style…

Before you step out for what I am sure is a busy day during your work week, you remember key accessories to go with your outfit. Am I right?  You take your scarf, your hat, your gloves and if need be, your umbrella.  And before throwing on your vintage wool […]



Bring on the Mits!

What are the first things you grab for when you start to feel that chill of Winter?  For me, it’s my beanie, scarf and mits.  My three absolute do not walk out of the house without winter essentials.  Because if I do, I WILL regret it.  Now, granted it may […]