Traveling With Style

(Posted originally on Vantage Point Vintage’s Blog)

When I travel, I like to travel WITH style.  That is I love to pack all my fashions in my grandmother’s vintage suitcases and my vintage leather weekender bags.  And as light as I can pack, trust me, I do! We all know that when it comes to checking in at the airport, the less you have, the better!  Luckily for me in particular, I’m not crazy high maintenance so that defiantly saves me some packing space in my bag! 

As I have been accustomed to surfing the net for fun fashion finds, I have noticed that many celebrities (as the ones pictured) have been traveling light with only a large duffle or weekender, many of which bare a striking resemblance to era’s past baggage.  This makes sense to me of course since this 2011 season has been a throwback to the fashions of the 60’s and 70’s.  Many of the styles you see know from prominent designers have an oversized build to them to have a dual accommodation for travel and the everyday.  They also stick with worn in leathers and have a satchel, throw me over your shoulder sort of feel to them, which I love. But, as we know some of these fab bags run a serious price tag.  No worries.  You can look just as fashionable as these lovely celebrities for about 99% less!

Check out these awesome VINTAGE travel bags at Vantage Point Vintage that are perfect for not only your plane ride, but defiantly useful for your everyday.  For example: Work at an office and hate your boring standard black laptop bag? A run around mom who isn’t into frilly baby bags? A student who is desperate for some serious bookbag personality to carry around school?  Then these bags below fit the bill!  Beautiful leathers, worn in and ready to go.  All with multiple storage and shoulder strap. Check them out! I am!

Pictured: (left to right) 70’s Samsonite Carry-On $59.95; 70’s Brown Leather Laptop Bag $63.95; 70’s Leather Laptop Bag $86.98

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