Thinking back on how I found some of my favorite Vintage shops, I realized that I got some of my help from other Vintage Lover’s blog posts. That is, they would graciously list a few of their cherished Vintage suppliers and me the reader, being the inquisitive person that I am, would then check these leads out. And hopefully, I would stumble upon a vintage gem and my life would forever be changed for the better. (Hehe…I make it sound as if World Peace would be fixed by a couple of high end Vintage stores, but hey, I can dream can’t I?) So, returning the favor and taking on the same task, I supply to you, my fabulous reader, some of just my many favorite Etsy Vintage stores. I hope that you discover some treasures on your cyber adventure!
Fast becoming a favorite of mine with always top notch vintage, Rock Street Vintage, an Etsy based shop, merits a visit. I promise, you will not be disappointed! And while I could try to convince you with elaborate speech, I will borrow RSV’s own words: “A unique hip & chic vintage clothing boutique featuring one-of-a-kind vintage-wares from the 20’s through the early 90’s. Our items are cherry picked for style, condition & current fashion trends for the vintage lover who displays a more discerning & adventurous sense of style! We adore our customers and work hard to bring you unique, quality vintage pieces that you will love and cherish. Be sure to mark us as a favorite and check back often… you never know what we’ll be bringing to our shop next!” Well said Rock Street!
If you love vintage as much as I do, then you need to check out OldAge’s Shop on Etsy asap! With fine vintage picks, you’ll be sure to find a treasure! Just scrolling through what this seller has to offer, lets me know that she is very critical and definite about her choosing, as all her vintage appears to be in tip top shape and seems to follow a code. That code being that the vintage she chooses from each era be not only top quality, but that none in her shop be picked merely to have something sell. Meaning, as best as I can put it, OldAge , as I see it, only sells vintage that they would indeed wear. I’m sure that most shops are the same way, but when scrolling through OldAge, I get the sense that the vintage is personal and dear; each one has a story and not one is less important or unique than the next. It’s a feeling that is hard to explain, but in my opinion, when you shop at OldAge, you shop at the pinnacle of each era’s fashion. Happy hunting.
Full of fun vintage, Bows and Arrows Vintage, is an Etsy based shop out of Sacramento. And when I say fun, I mean a shop that isn’t afraid of colors, patterns and loves to showcase oversized vintage held to the body by super cute accessories! And speaking of accessories, you can usually find yourself some beautiful stone and silver jewels to add to your collection. With vintage added weekly, Bows and Arrows Vintage defiantly qualifies for a peek!
I am SERIOUSLY in love with this Etsy shop Moxie Apparel! Filled to the brim with print covered vintage, Moxie is a vintage lover’s dream! There is not one piece in this whole store that I wouldn’t purchase myself and if I had the funds, I would probably buy out their whole shop without a moments hesitation! And my favorite part about this shop…THE SHOES! They have an amazing selection of boots, flats, sandals and pumps ranging from size 4 to 10! All in good condition and totally wearable for today’s fashion. And as far as regular clothing is concerned, they are in no sort of shortage! With items added constantly, their shop is always full and in my opinion, they carry some of the most colorful, vibrant and unique dresses that I have seen! I am in defiant agreeance with their personal mission statement: “Moxie strives to bring you Modern, timeless vintage pieces to add flare to any wardrobe.” Let me tell you, the hard work absolutely shows!
This adorable shop was a recent find of mine and as I am obsessed with Vintage luggage, it was right up my alley! Get Ready Set GO is an Etsy shop specializing in the upcycling of Vintage luggage. Its shop owner scowers the land to find vintage messenger bags, train cases, tote bags and suitcases. Then, once found she refurbishes them and then hand paints on her own adorable designs. How crafty and unique is that? You can even request a custom order! I wonder what design I would pick out…hmmmm. What a fabulous thing to ponder! Defiantly stop by and check this store out, even just for curiosity sake!
Really great shops here! I love vintage, and vintage-inspired stuff. Found you thru Etsy’s blog team btw 🙂
LOVE the selection of shops!!! Nice Work Doll!!
Btw I am so impressed with this that I put a link to here on my Fan page! Check it out:
Keep up the great work!!!
🙂 xo
Lovely blog! So cool.
Would love for you to check out my store if you have a sec.
You seem to have a very “professional” eye. 🙂
I LOVE all of those dresses! And that luggage! I’m going to NYC next month. I need one of those!
thanks so VERY much for featuring my shop in this SPECTACULAR blog post! i’m totally honored:)
Thanks for the post…have even selected some favorites 🙂