There is one vintage accessory that I will NEVER tire of and no matter how many I purchase, could never stop! What is this jewel that has so much power over me you ask that I am so compelled to give in? Well, my friends, believe it or not my vintage obsession is the small, yet powerful Turquoise Ring!
A flashback to the 60s and 70s, this miniscule accessory still screams free love and peace! With colors ranging from pale blues to the dark blue-greens reminiscent of deep ocean water, turquoise is a stone that speaks to its wearer. It’s magnetic and stunning and makes its presence know once slipped onto your finger. And I have to tell you, this jewelry speaks to me like no other. It connects me back to Earth and Nature, reminding me of my Indian heritage. I feel instantly empowered when I wear this stunning stone. And coming in hundreds of shapes and sizes, it makes it virtually impossible to choose only one! Which is the predicament that I constantly find myself in! A truly independent and unique stone, you have to be one fierce Fashionista to sport this heavy rock! Check out some of these killer turquoise stones I sniffed out!
I love this style of ring! The long finger length ring that stretches from the base of your finger to the knuckle and sometimes beyond (which I love!). It’s makes for such a dramatic statement and can be worn going out for a night on the town or even to work, giving your suit some personality. Personally, I would slap this Vintage Sterling Silver Green Turquoise Ring from CrystalTown on with one of my Maxi dresses and Gladiator Sandals! A cool detail about this ring: “The makers mark is a bell hanging from a post and is the mark of Bell Trading Post. Bell Trading Post made Navajo jewelry in Albuquerque New Mexico from 1932 through the late 1980s.” Pretty neat little piece of history, I think!
Talk about big and beautiful! Don’t you just love this circular Vintage Silver and Turquoise Ring from Lucra? It features beautiful tear drop shaped stones in a wonderfully aged setting that is adjustable to your finger. The worn look only adds to this rings unique look and to me, increases the vintage value. Maybe not value in dollars, but value in its spirit, its history. A bit on the heavy side, this ring will be the center piece of your outfit and will definitely be the accessory to dress around! But to the girl who can sport it, hats off as you will be sure to make a statement!
So usually I tend to gravitate toward the larger, more prominent turquoise rings, but I have to say that I was quite taken when I spotted this beautiful vintage SHADOW BOX Native American Ring from AnotherSeason. My obvious fascination being with the unique “shadow box” feature around the turquoise. It really makes the stone pop and become seperated from the setting, therefore forcing it to be made the most important piece of the ring. Which, as the stone and centerpiece it should be! I also adore the intricate etched detailing around the stone, which makes it pop even more.
This is another style of ring that I can’t seen to stop buying! The layered ring! Stones piled on top of stones! Delicious! And I especially love this Vintage Native American Blossoming Ring from NeldasNook. How adorable! I am swooning over the delicate turquoise flowers set in sterling silver! They make me smile every time I look at them! And I totally picture a hippie sporting this ring as she ran through the woods and bathed herself as she layed in grassy fields! Such a hippie statement and I love it!
Since we’re talking about obsessions today, let me tell you about another one of mine, the Owl! Yes, that curious creature called Owl who forever plaques my wallet wherever I go. I don’t know if it’s the adorable eyes or those puffy cheeks that get me, but the owl is the quintessential hipster accessory that I find I can’t resist. So, you can imagine how excited I was when I found a ring that combined both of my vintage obsessions. This Vintage Owl Ring from TheOwlLady is uber-cute and I literally screamed when I saw it! This pewertone ring, with turquoise eyes is in great condition with no noticeable wear marks! Look at those eyes! How can you resist!
you have the best turquoise rings!! i LOVE them too!! have found some great ones here in VA!